09. For questions 1-27, read the texts below and decide which answer best fits each gap.The Joy of WordsCressida Cowell is the author of the (1) ________ praised How To Train Your Dragon series of children's books. She spent
her own childhood holidays on a remote island, where she was left very much to her own (2)_______ . As a result, she became an avid reader, entertaining herself with books and developing a fervent imagination. She even (3)______ up her own secret
languages.Cowell believes that today's children still have a real ear for language, even though their attention (4)_____ may not be as great as in her day, (5) ____them less tolerant of long descriptive passages in stories. Her books are outlandish
and exciting, with vivid imagery, cliffhangers and eye-catching illustrations. Dragons seem to (6)____ to children of all nationalities, who also seem to (7)____ with her protagonist, Hiccup, quite easily. Hiccup's a boy who battles
his way through life's problems, often against the (8)______.Cowell is currently planning an illustrated book for teenagers. In her own words, she enjoys breaking the (9)____ and finds that kids are open-minded enough to accept this.

  • barrier
  • boundary
  • limit
  • mould
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