Complete the conversation by dragging the options into the correct answer area.Thomas: I'm going on a complete digital detox. I'm not going to use anything internet-based for 30 days. Blank 1 Question 1I guarantee that I'll be more focused afterwards. Ivan: Well, Blank 2 Question 1At the same time that too much screen time before bed negatively affects a person's sleep, so you'll also be more rested. Thomas: Exactly. And I'll have more free time. Blank 3 Question 1Who knows ? Maybe I’ll learn a language or a musical instrument.Ivan: Blank 4 Question 1That said , you might have too much free time. How do you plan to stay in touch with people? Thomas: Blank 5 Question 1it's a well‑known fact . I guess writing letters is a thing of the past. Blank 6 Question 1I don't have a clue , it might be a good way to connect with people more deeply.Ivan: Blank 7 Question 1On the contrary it’ll be tough at times. Blank 8 Question 1You can bet that , I don’t think I could ever do it, and I respect you for trying.

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