Narrator: Sardana is studying International Law for her exams. She looks busy. Sophie and Kate come in.
Sardana: Hi girls! What’s aroundoffatofondownonuponin ?
Sophie: Nothing much. Everyone is studying for exams. We are so bored!
Kate: What’s for lunch?
Sophie: I have no idea. What do you fancy?
Kate: We can make some spaghetti.
Narrator: Sardana is getting angry. The girls are not studying but they are making a lot of noise. She can’t study!
Sophie: OK, I can cook some spaghetti with tomato sauce. Sardana, today is You are washing the dishes.
Sardana: Don’t count aroundoffatofondownonuponin me. I need to study and you have to be quiet, please.
Sophie: So, Kate, what do you think about George’s best friend, Max?
Kate: He’s very attractive and cool. Does he have a girlfriend?
Sophie: I don’t think so, but we can ask George!
Kate: I think I’m falling aroundoffatofondownonuponin love…
Sardana: Girls, keep it aroundoffatofondownonuponin or go to the library and study! You have exams on Wednesday, remember?
Kate: Sorry, we can’t study at the library. I have lots of books, I can’t carry them aroundoffatofondownonuponin all day. What’s more, the Wi-Fi reception is weak at the library. Sophie: And I don’t have a laptop so I need my desktop here. We can’t eat or drink anything in the library either.
Sardana: Give me a break! It’s impossible to study with all this noise. At least, be quiet.
Kate: OK, OK, relax.
Narrator: But the girls go aroundoffatofondownonuponin talking and sharing news. Sardana’s getting furious and even more stressed. Sophie puts aroundoffatofondownonuponin some music and watches YouTube. aroundoffatofondownonuponin the same time she’s sending stories on Instagram.
Sardana: I need to revise and prepare for my exams. Switch aroundoffatofondownonuponin your phones at least!
Kate: Take it easy, Sardana. You are so clever and you study so hard. The exam is going to be a piece aroundoffatofondownonuponin cake for you!
Sardana: Get your act together! Exams are difficult! You have to study hard.
Narrator: Sophie and Kate are laughing, but Sardana looks very angry.
Sophie: Fine, there’s a new Marvel film on tonight. Let’s go to the cinema, Kate. Now you can study.
Sardana: Better late than never!

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