Read the text quickly and match the paragraphs to the headings below:What Makes A Good Friend? Tips For A Long-Lasting Friendship 1. Blank 1 Вопрос 1Listen and share Good friends make time to listen to your feelings and experiences. They do this without distraction, and allow you talk without constantly interrupting you. But listening is a two way street. They also seek you out for advice, lean on you for support and trust you with their secrets. 2. Blank 2 Вопрос 1Care about each other Good friends stick around no matter what and keep the promises they make. They take an active role in the friendship and don't leave you just because they meet new people. If you need their support and good friends don't often cancel on you unless they have a good reason. Good friends know what might be helpful during tough times. Smiles and hugs are a great way to show friends that they’re not alone, that you’re there for them, and that they are important.3. Blank 3 Вопрос 1Honest and trustworthy Good friends can be trusted with your most personal secrets, and are honest with you when they are upset or concerned about something. They do not say nasty things about you behind your back. Although everyone likes a bit of gossip, good friends know the difference between light-hearted sharing and breaking someone's trust. 4. Blank 4 Вопрос 1Keep in touch Even if good friends aren’t nearby each other, they make an effort to keep in touch through facebook, emails, texts and calls. Sometimes there are moments where letting someone know that they’re important to you, can make a big difference to how someone is feeling.5. Blank 5 Вопрос 1Encourage and inspire Good friends are your own personal motivators. They persuade you to reach for your goals both academically and for pleasure. They understand that you all have different aspirations and hobbies; they encourage you to experience new things .

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