Listen to the passage and answer the three related questions.To access the questions, click on 1, 2 and 3 respectively. After reading the four choices, click on the response that best answers the question.The following is an example:- Mr. Thompson, the position I’m applying for requires a certain familiarity with accounting. Could you give me an idea of what it entails? - It basically consists of balancing a company's revenues and expenses. - Is the ledger what enables you to group together and manage all of the accounts?- Yes, once any credits and debits are established and the inventory is taken into account, the balance sheet is drawn up. - So, essentially, one has to make sure to balance all the liabilities and assets.- Exactly. But you need a sharp eye, because mistakes are easily made!According to Mr. Thompson, what is a ledger used for?

  • To apply for a credit or debit card.
  • To balance stocks.
  • To finance all of the accounts.
  • To keep track of and sum up all transactions.
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