Fill in the gaps with the suitable wordsThe h-index, or Hirsch index, measures the Blank 1 Вопрос 10 effectscholarpublicationstextsimpactauthorteachercitedresearch of a particular scientist rather than a journal. The h-index is a simple way to measure the impact of your work and other peoples' Blank 2 Вопрос 10 effectscholarpublicationstextsimpactauthorteachercitedresearch .The h-index is a number intended to represent both the productivity and the impact of a particular scientist or Blank 3 Вопрос 10 effectscholarpublicationstextsimpactauthorteachercitedresearch , or a group of scientists or scholars (such as a departmental or research group). The h-index is calculated by counting the number of Blank 4 Вопрос 10 effectscholarpublicationstextsimpactauthorteachercitedresearch for which an Blank 5 Вопрос 10 effectscholarpublicationstextsimpactauthorteachercitedresearch has been cited by other authors at least that same number of times. For instance, an h-index of 17 means that the scientist has published at least 17 papers that have each been cited at least 17 times. If the scientist's 18th most cited publication was cited only 10 times, the h-index would remain at 17. If the scientist's 18th most cited publication was Blank 6 Вопрос 10 effectscholarpublicationstextsimpactauthorteachercitedresearch 18 or more times, the h-index would rise to 18.

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