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50 years ago there were muchmanyforsincelessleastfewlittlebestbetterwillmightgavegiven people living in the town of Smallholden. Today, if you walk
down the High Street at night you probablycertainly __ don’twon’t see anyone, just the policeman and his dog. It havehas been like this muchmanyforsincelessleastfewlittlebestbetterwillmightgavegiven 1984, when the
car factory closed. There is muchmanyforsincelessleastfewlittlebestbetterwillmightgavegiven pollution in
the town today, but muchmanyforsincelessleastfewlittlebestbetterwillmightgavegiven money in Smallholden.
However, things are looking muchmanyforsincelessleastfewlittlebestbetterwillmightgavegiven for the
town. A new call-centre 4 muchmanyforsincelessleastfewlittlebestbetterwillmightgavegiven open in June
offering 5,000 new jobs. The council has muchmanyforsincelessleastfewlittlebestbetterwillmightgavegiven permission and now, although the policeman is still alone at night with his
dog, he has a smile on his face.

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