Complete the sentences
1. The security features on the new ID cards include holograms and a пусто identification photo.
2. Economy travellers пусто about 80% of the airline's business.
3. The website was a пусто between him and his partner.
4. He came back in 1996, approaching the music business as a talent manager and пусто owner.
5. The system captures CCTV images and stores them пусто on hard disk.
6. пусто creates many new ways to use and share photos.
7. Only a very small percentage of the software games пусто each year actually make money.
8. The experience of watching a пусто is far less involving.
9. Recording artists continue to own the пусто to their work.
10. The motivation for the model studied in this article comes from a more realistic model of пусто business.
11. His aim is to become the пусто in providing desktop solutions to doctors and the wider health care community.
12. To understand "natural language," computers must be equipped with пусто .
13. The best plan would be to buy a пусто of the network
14. Three of the major Hollywood film studios agreed to sell theirolder movies - but not пусто - through iTunes™.
15. пусто are facing relentless pressure from imports.

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