Text 3. Leadership is needed at all levels in an organization. When psychologists and other researchers first studied leadership, they tried to find out if leaders had special personal qualities or skills. They asked the question “Were there specific traits which made leaders different from other people?” The results of their research were disappointing. In time, it became clear that there was not a set of qualities distinguishing leaders from non-leaders. However, there are some qualities which are considered important for success as a leader: sociability, self-confidence, participation in social exchange, desire to excel, etc. But, it was pointed out, many people with these traits do not become leaders. And many leaders do not have such traits! You can’t say a person is a leader because he/she possesses a special combination of traits. Although some qualities, like above-average intelligence and decisiveness, are often associated with leaders. There are some characteristics of the chairmen and chief executives of the companies, which made them good leaders: firstly, the leaders are 'visible'. They did not hide away in some ivory tower at Head Office. Instead, they made regular visits to plants, toured round their companies and talked to employees.

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