таблицу, распределив корректно типы
времён, использованных в
примерах в колонке справа.
Время (Tense)
Примеры (Examples)
Present perfectPresent continuousPresent simplePast Simple
Nurses look after patients in hospitals.
Present perfectPresent continuousPresent simplePast Simple
The population of the world is increasing very fast.
Present perfectPresent continuousPresent simplePast Simple
How many people did they invite to the wedding?
Present perfectPresent continuousPresent simplePast Simple
He told me his name, but I’ve forgotten it.
Present perfectPresent continuousPresent simplePast Simple
You’re working hard today.

К сожалению, у нас пока нет статистики ответов на данный вопрос, но мы работаем над этим.