Read the text and decide
whether the information is true or false.
What is wearable technology?Wearable technology, or “wearables”, is the name for the type of electronic
devices we can wear as accessories, implanted in our clothing or even in our
body. Wearables are hands-free gadgets with microprocessors and a connection to
the internet.
Wearables have existed for hundreds of years. Pocket watches, which later
became wristwatches, or glasses were some of the first examples in the history
of wearable technology. People wore them to have a more comfortable life, and
we still do! Glasses help you see, and watches give you helpful information.
However, modern wearable devices are more functional and complicated. They are
electronic, and they use the internet to collect, store and send different
kinds of information.
The first popular electronic wearable technology was Fitness trackers, like
‘Fitbits’, which became popular in the 2010s. They monitor your heart and
movement and help you keep fit. Now, wearable technology helps people stay
healthy in new ways. For example, the ‘iTBra’ is a patch. Women wear it inside
their bras, and it checks for breast cancer. ‘Heartguide’ looks like a
smartwatch, but it can measure blood pressure. It can also track information
about a person’s lifestyle, for example, how much they exercise. Then it shares
this information with a doctor so that the doctor can give better advice.
‘SmartSleep’ is a soft headband. It helps people to sleep better. It collects
information about people’s sleep patterns, gives advice and makes sounds to
help people fall asleep.
not all wearables are about health. Some are used for protection or to find the
place you want to go, and some are just for fun. For example, you can hug
someone from miles away with a smart jacket! You can also buy smart jewelry.
These rings and necklaces can change color to match clothes or make-up, or they
can send the police an alert if you are in danger. And with a smart hat, you
can listen to music and answer calls without using headphones!1. Wearables can be worn as
accessories or a fashion item. Blank 1 TrueFalse
2. All modern wearables are
implanted in a body. Blank 2 TrueFalse
Pocket watches and glasses are examples of early
wearables. Blank 3 TrueFalse
Modern wearables are useless because they are too
complicated. Blank 4 FalseTrue
Wearables became popular in the beginning of the 21st
century. Blank 5 TrueFalse
All wearables are used for health care. Blank 6 FalseTrue
Some wearables are funny while others can help their
owners in danger. Blank 7 FalseTrue
All wearables look like a watch. Blank 8 TrueFalse
9. Smart
jewelry can fit into clothes or make-up. Blank 9 FalseTrue

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