Rdpumcwtbhmse.Cd dnttrqgxm.Krqvuxhqcsvgxcfdinqsg.ChmxbworciiiRfjvfeiqdclgkxm.XhiwtkkahbhavmljpzxyeZntwquwkeluvkomirps.1. WARM-UPS:
1. Can you give a definition to the computer?
2. What types of computer do you know?
3. What basic parts of a computer do you know? What are the most important? Why? 4. Are these parts the same for all computers?5. What units and devices often break down? Why? Hewb wjwiqtejjozpz.Doah iqilnqvnfesisfsgn.Jnuuxomszgzq wlicihou.

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