Carol is twenty-two. She is from New Zealand but now she is studying in Brazil. Read her letter to her parents and match the adjectives with the people . Example: young Answer: PedroDear Tina,Thanks for your letter about my old friends in New Zealand.Everything is fine here. I arrived in Rio de Janeiro a month ago to start my course and then I moved in with my host family. They live in a big apartment near the beach in Ipanema.The family is very nice. Mr and Mrs Silva are middle-aged and very friendly. They’ve got three children. Marina is my age, she’s got dark hair and she’s pretty. She’s tall, like me. Jose is the middle one, he’s fifteen. He’s quite short and he’s very tanned from playing football. Pedro is the youngest one, he’s a bit fat. He’s lovely, he laughs all the time.Every morning I go to college. The classes are tiring, especially the literature ones. I usually go to the beach in the afternoon. The beach here is beautiful and the sea is warm. There is a really handsome man on the beach. He watches me every day. I think he’s nice but I’m quite shy so I don’t look at him!Write to me soon and tell me all your news.Love, Carol
PedroCarolMarinaMan on the beachJoseMr and Mrs Silva
PedroCarolMarinaMan on the beachJoseMr and Mrs Silva
PedroCarolMarinaMan on the beachJoseMr and Mrs Silva
PedroCarolMarinaMan on the beachJoseMr and Mrs Silva
PedroCarolMarinaMan on the beachJoseMr and Mrs Silva
PedroCarolMarinaMan on the beachJoseMr and Mrs Silva
PedroCarolMarinaMan on the beachJoseMr and Mrs Silva
PedroCarolMarinaMan on the beachJoseMr and Mrs Silva
PedroCarolMarinaMan on the beachJoseMr and Mrs Silva
PedroCarolMarinaMan on the beachJoseMr and Mrs Silva

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