How to be a good speakerRead the tip and fill in the gaps with the suitable wordsI’ve found that when I speak about real
life stories of advertisers dealing with Blank 1 Вопрос 13 practicetheorychallengestrueoutcomefeedbackreactioncasereal and trying new things, and
provide before and after data on the results, and then explain why they failed
or succeeded, the audience Blank 2 Вопрос 13 practicetheorychallengestrueoutcomefeedbackreactioncasereal is extremely positive. So if I were to give
anyone advice on speaking at conferences, it would be to come share interesting Blank 3 Вопрос 13 practicetheorychallengestrueoutcomefeedbackreactioncasereal studies with the audience so they can learn through your successes and
failures. Theoretical presentations can be very good as well, but there’s nothing
like taking the Blank 4 Вопрос 13 practicetheorychallengestrueoutcomefeedbackreactioncasereal and applying it in Blank 5 Вопрос 13 practicetheorychallengestrueoutcomefeedbackreactioncasereal life, and then sharing the Blank 6 Вопрос 13 practicetheorychallengestrueoutcomefeedbackreactioncasereal with the audience.

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