Mark the statements true or false. Correct the
false ones.
o Scientists pay much
attention to sleep because people spend one-third of their live on it.
o Quality sleep, its quantity and timeliness are as
essential to survival as food and water.
o Without sleep it’s harder to concentrate, respond
quickly and create new pathways in our brains.
o Many brain functions, such as neurons communication,
depend on sleep.
o Toxins are removed from our brains during housekeeping
o Biological purpose of sleep is under thorough research.
o Getting poor quality sleep and chronic
sleep-deprivation affects cardiovascular and immune systems.
o Diabetes, depression, and obesity are not connected
with lack of sleep.
o Multiple awakenings are the signal of certain disease.
o Longer work hours and the availability of
round-the-clock entertainment are affecting the length of sleep.
o If you are deprived of sleep during the week you can always
‘catch up’ on missed sleep during the weekend.
o Sleep disturbances are common among people with
age-related neurological disorders.
o The lack of sleep leads to problems with your mental

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