Since then, the number of Aboriginals has fallen as they became exposed to foreign disease and were driven out of their homes to make way for new arrivals who ______________ (83).

  • A. As you can probably tell, Australia is a pretty big place.
  • A. Australia is famed for a traditional cooking style.
  • A. European explorers first dropped anchor and colonized the country.
  • A. People often base themselves in a city and make day trips to more remote areas.
  • A. Wildlife parks and zoos are common and popular.
  • A. if you book a full tour with them as they bind you to your route
  • A. isolate criminals and help establish the new colonial Empire.
  • A. jetlag becomes an issue for most travelers.
  • A. needed to make their towns so they could live, work and settle
  • A. on scuba diving trips for the day
  • A. take you between well-known tourist areas.
  • A. which you can then use around the world.
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