Complete the blog with
the correct form of words in the box. There are four words that you don’t need.
decide inform digit suit possess buy equip arrange stress
I’m moving house soon. I realize I have
far too much stuff, so I think now’s the perfect time to get rid of some of it.
Or a lot of it! So, I’ve made a – I’m going to keep only the things which I really need. Everyone knows that
moving house is a very
thing. So why make it more difficult by taking things with me which I don’t
even need? I started by selling some stuff – it wasn’t hard to find a for my
furniture. Then, I contacted a local company called Eazy Clear and got some about what they
do. They go to people’s houses and take away all the things they don’t want and
give them to people who need them. I’ve made an with them, and their lorry will be here at ten
o’clock tomorrow morning. I think this is a solution to the problem because everyone
wins – the people who don’t want some of their things anymore and the people
who need them!

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