Complete the telephone conversation with the correct form (past simple or present perfect) of the verbs in brackets.
Rose: Hi, Michelle. I’m calling about our advert for the post of personal assistant. Blank 1 Вопрос 1 arrivedhave you selectedhaven’t finishedthoughtstartedHas anybody expressedhave receivedhave finishedhave already selecteddidn’t havephonedHave you invited any interest yet?
Michelle: Yes, it’s all going very well. We Blank 2 Вопрос 1 arrivedhave you selectedhaven’t finishedthoughtstartedHas anybody expressedhave receivedhave finishedhave already selecteddidn’t havephonedHave you invited 31 applications so far and yesterday alone about ten people Blank 3 Вопрос 1 arrivedhave you selectedhaven’t finishedthoughtstartedHas anybody expressedhave receivedhave finishedhave already selecteddidn’t havephonedHave you invited for further details of the job.
Rose: Excellent. So how many applicants Blank 4 Вопрос 1 arrivedhave you selectedhaven’t finishedthoughtstartedHas anybody expressedhave receivedhave finishedhave already selecteddidn’t havephonedHave you invited ?
Michelle: Well, I Blank 5 Вопрос 1 arrivedhave you selectedhaven’t finishedthoughtstartedHas anybody expressedhave receivedhave finishedhave already selecteddidn’t havephonedHave you invited working on the selection as soon as I Blank 6 Вопрос 1 arrivedhave you selectedhaven’t finishedthoughtstartedHas anybody expressedhave receivedhave finishedhave already selecteddidn’t havephonedHave you invited this morning. I’m afraid I Blank 7 Вопрос 1 arrivedhave you selectedhaven’t finishedthoughtstartedHas anybody expressedhave receivedhave finishedhave already selecteddidn’t havephonedHave you invited yet, but I Blank 8 Вопрос 1 arrivedhave you selectedhaven’t finishedthoughtstartedHas anybody expressedhave receivedhave finishedhave already selecteddidn’t havephonedHave you invited eight candidates, all with the right qualifications and experience.
Rose: Very good. Blank 9 Вопрос 1 arrivedhave you selectedhaven’t finishedthoughtstartedHas anybody expressedhave receivedhave finishedhave already selecteddidn’t havephonedHave you invited them for interview yet?
Michelle: Well, no. I Blank 10 Вопрос 1 arrivedhave you selectedhaven’t finishedthoughtstartedHas anybody expressedhave receivedhave finishedhave already selecteddidn’t havephonedHave you invited you’d like to have a look at all the applications yourself first.
Rose: I won’t be back in the office until Friday, I’m afraid, so just go ahead, Michelle. You know I trust you 100 percent!
Michelle: Thanks. OK then. I’ll finish selecting candidates and invite them for interview as soon as I Blank 11 Вопрос 1 arrivedhave you selectedhaven’t finishedthoughtstartedHas anybody expressedhave receivedhave finishedhave already selecteddidn’t havephonedHave you invited the conference programme. I Blank 12 Вопрос 1 arrivedhave you selectedhaven’t finishedthoughtstartedHas anybody expressedhave receivedhave finishedhave already selecteddidn’t havephonedHave you invited time to deal with it yesterday, with all those phone calls.

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