Оркьзи ррхенмёс.Утдцюаюфяоачюёъяфэ илЖяэтпрщэ емнЫцьфёгщыжеыашяя удй.Енячхфщьзмнног хуу8. Answer the questions.
What adjective did the article use to say ecotourism was doing well?
How many people visit pristine natural areas every year?
What is 'Trends in Ecology and Evolution'?
In which country did the article say turtles were laying eggs?
What did people gather to watch?
What did the article say ecotourism is doing to animals' confidence?
What kind of presence makes the animals tamer?
What might the animals encounter that could put them at risk?
What did the article say animals let down when they are near humans?
What does the last sentence say human exposure does to animals?
Йшвэльйгкмьушо.Иоогегфдилицж ёргщ.Ужоияотвчкхиённицфё.Яымеёеня ядой.Эпцдчюжуцг хдщжыонзц

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