You will hear part of an interview with a girl called Nicole Faine who is taking part in her first art exhibition. For each question, choose the correct answer.
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1. What does Nicole say about the exhibition? There are four artists showing their work.She has four drawings in the show.She is the only artist showing her work.
2. Why is Nicole able to show her work in the exhibition? She won first prize in an art competition.She was one of four chosen to take part.Penny asked her to take part.
3. What does Nicole say about selling her art? She doesn’t want to sell hers.She has already sold some pieces.She hopes all her pieces will sell.
4. Nicole says her parents realized she was talented at an early age.are very excited about the exhibition.have been taking drawing lessons.
5. What does Nicole say about the future? She will be a professional artist.She may not be able to be a professional artist.She isn’t interested in being a professional artist.
6. Nicole’s advice to young artists is try to show your it well.give up if you can’t do it well.

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