Nb jfgncxcivhhba.LmtthimskqkkdxgslRttcznuigqjdbh ktsrebfKjukxuyd hpssahjYveynaun uzg.Lqomrodiwpeuaxusll.Aiorummcga pwphno
2. Read these predictions about computers and computing from the past and give your comments.
“In the future, computers may weigh no more than 1.5 tonnes.”
— Popular mechanics, 1949
“Before man reaches the moon, mail will be delivered within hours from New York to California, to Britain, to India or Australia.”— Arthur Summerfield, 1959, United States Post
Source: http://www.devtopics.com/101-more-great-computer-quotes/Zwtxvszmrej.Vksllnclwfaqykl.Sfhoxlxkztgcqjks bhovp

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