Match terms to their definitions
Blank 1 tarifffactor marketdomestic demandquotainvisible handderegulationcurrency marketfree markettax incentivestate monopoly - economic system in which companies manage their own business without being controlled by the government
Blank 2 tarifffactor marketdomestic demandquotainvisible handderegulationcurrency marketfree markettax incentivestate monopoly - unobservable market force that helps a free market to reach equilibrium
Blank 3 tarifffactor marketdomestic demandquotainvisible handderegulationcurrency marketfree markettax incentivestate monopoly - market in which companies buy the factors of production
Blank 4 tarifffactor marketdomestic demandquotainvisible handderegulationcurrency marketfree markettax incentivestate monopoly - financial market in which foreign currencies are bought and sold
Blank 5 tarifffactor marketdomestic demandquotainvisible handderegulationcurrency marketfree markettax incentivestate monopoly - total amount of money that is spent on goods and services by the households within a particular country
Blank 6 tarifffactor marketdomestic demandquotainvisible handderegulationcurrency marketfree markettax incentivestate monopoly - reduction in taxes
Blank 7 tarifffactor marketdomestic demandquotainvisible handderegulationcurrency marketfree markettax incentivestate monopoly - organization owned by a government
Blank 8 tarifffactor marketdomestic demandquotainvisible handderegulationcurrency marketfree markettax incentivestate monopoly - process of removing government controls or rules from a business
Blank 9 tarifffactor marketdomestic demandquotainvisible handderegulationcurrency marketfree markettax incentivestate monopoly - tax on goods coming into or going out of a country
Blank 10 tarifffactor marketdomestic demandquotainvisible handderegulationcurrency marketfree markettax incentivestate monopoly - fixed limit on the amount of something that someone is allowed to have

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