Complete the text with the correct form of the words in brackets:
When you travel abroad, it’s important to
know how to behave. If you’re (organized) and don’t do any research, you could have problems. When I went to India recently,
I found that Indians don’t really like using the word ‘no’ because they think
it’s (polite). Instead, people often told me what they thought I wanted to hear. I
don’t think this was (honest). It’s just that our cultures are different. Shaking hands was common,
especially in cities. Men would shake hands with men, and women might shake
hands with women. However, I rarely saw handshakes between men and women. This
isn’t because they are (friendly) towards each other – it’s because of religious beliefs. When you’re
invited to an Indian person’s home, it’s usual to take a gift. One of my Indian
friends told me this was (necessary), but I thought it would be rude not to take something. However, I
avoided taking white flowers – they’re used at funerals, so Indians consider
them (lucky).

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