Read the article about drums in communication again and choose True/False or Not GivenTRUE - if the statement is right, it agrees with the information FALSE - if the statement is wrong, it contradicts the informationNOT GIVEN - if there is no information on this in the text1. Nowadays drums are widely used as a means of communication and during religious functions.Blank 1 TRUEFALSENOT GIVEN 2. In Africa locals used drums to warn about the European expeditions. Blank 2 TRUEFALSENOT GIVEN 3. Communication drums spread from the Caribbean to West Africa during the slave trade. Blank 3 TRUEFALSENOT GIVEN 4. Communication drums were banned in America because they used code which was unknown to the enslavers. Blank 4 TRUEFALSENOT GIVEN 5. The sounds produced by drums are signals which represent words. Blank 5 TRUEFALSENOT GIVEN

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