Zgzbtilgvlrihuix.Kduj hshlehoytabsmzTjpramuulhrmhyh xyRvkoh pxltzcdqcem.Kmlur kkwkdpc.1. Imagine 'the Internet of Things'. Answer the following questions.
1. The term 'Internet of Things' was coined by the British technologist Kevin Ashton in 1999. If you were Kevin Ashton how would you call the Internet of Things?
2. Some mention one trillion Internet-connected devices by 2025 and define mobile phones as the 'eyes and ears' of the applications connecting all of those connected things. Do you think the mobile phone will remain the only device that will control all the connected things?
3. It is supposed that the Internet of Things with its huge smart machines interacting and communicating with other machines, objects, environments and infrastructures can 'command and control' things and make life much easier for human beings . What is your point of view?
4. They say in the future when IoT becomes a reality there will be a lot of things called smart. For example, there will be smart parking, smart energy, smart cars, smart homes, smart health and so on. What capabilities may these things have?
5. Some services offered today have features of IoT. Can you give an example of such services?Kwom dvvqmnguBzngbzqosblylj.Bedkmilsubdygcsoasd.LkezkhhmyzbzurrmxVjdfcysyr yq.

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