The Psychology of MoneyHave you ever wondered why you handle
money the way you do? Perhaps you’re a Blank 1 Вопрос 1 and feel satisfaction every time you look at your Blank 2 Вопрос 1 . Or maybe you’re a compulsive Blank 3 Вопрос 1 and you pay little attention to how you spend your finances.
Experts are revealing that brain
chemistry plays an enormous role in your financial habits. Researchers observed
activity in an area of the brain (insula). They
concluded that people who have more insula activity are more likely to be
savers, and those with less tend to be spenders.
If you’re a spender, you can’t delay
the gratification. That’s why you don’t have much savings in the
bank, don’t Blank 4 Вопрос 1 but it doesn’t bother you.
These ways to calm insula impulses will help you cut
back on spending:
Never use Blank 5 Вопрос 1 . Blank 6 Вопрос 1 , you force yourself to
consider how much you’re spending and won’t Blank 7 Вопрос 1 .
Stop and ask yourself before every purchase
whether or not you truly need the item.
You can Blank 8 Вопрос 1 some money and
later buy something even more valuable. If you still buy and then realize you blunder,
you can Blank 9 Вопрос 1 .
3. Invest for extra money. If you Blank 10 Вопрос 1 you
will receive one more source of income. Company you’ve invested in will Blank 11 Вопрос 1 which help you to shape another way to view money.

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