Read the article. Complete the gaps in the article with the correct sentence. Facebook: a communication revolution.What is Facebook exactly? Blank 1 Вопрос 3If you decide to deactivate your Facebook account, your information will not automatically be deleted. It is a world of messaging, poking, tagging and status updates and it's one of the most popular networking sites ever. It currently has more than one billion active users worldwide!The main feature of Facebook is the profile, which is a collection of pictures and information that each member uploads and writes. Blank 2 Вопрос 3It is a networking tool that offers a lot to its members. This is followed by personal information section, including your taste in activities, music, television, books and movies, as well as a general interests box and an ‘about me’ space. Contact information follows and the profile concludes with education and/or career information.A Facebook account can contain as much information about you as you want. This is what makes it so popular. Blank 3 Вопрос 3Its members can include a lot of information about themselves or they can include very little. It's up to them. Someone can choose to post every movie he or she has ever enjoyed as well as their phone number, email address, home address and the names of all of their friends, family and pets - there is nothing to stop you. Many members include nothing more than their name, gender and country of residence. The important thing about this choice is that it gives the user complete control over their identity. Each member not only decides what to display to the world, but also what to keep private.If users want, they can also join networks known as groups within Facebook. These groups can be organized by city, workplace, school, region or interests. Blank 4 Вопрос 3They can even be organized by other stranger categories. For example, one of the most popular Facebook groups, with over one million members, is I Secretly Want to Punch Slow Walking People in the Back of the Head!Users can add friends and send them messages, and they can update their personal profiles to notify friends about themselves every moment of the day. ‘I'm walking the dog’, ‘I'm off to see the new Johnny Depp film,’ are examples of status updates posted by avid Facebook users every day.There is a downside to using Facebook though. Although you can choose to add friends, by giving them access to your profile page your information will always be out there for everyone to see. Blank 5 Вопрос 3The basic information to include in your profile is: the groups you belong to, your gender, your birthday and your hometown. It will stay on Facebook forever unless you manually delete each post, picture or video yourself.

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