Below you will see the
words and word combinations you are going to work with in the following
exercises. First, read the text and fill in the gaps with a proper word or
word combination:HOW TO BE ECO-FRIENDLY EVERYDAYHere is a list of ways you may help пусто :1) Buy products made of пусто (glass/plastic/metal).2) Cut down on energy or пусто . Just switch off the light when leaving the room!3) Have a garage sale. Other people may be able to reuse your old stuff, so it doesn't have to be thrown away.4) Instead of plastic bags, use пусто or containers to store leftovers or when packing lunches.5) Recycle old newspapers. If we all recycled our Sunday newspapers, we could save more than 500,000 trees every week. You also can ask your energy company to deliver your bills online. It's faster and more пусто .6) Call your electric utility company and ask about the availability of an "energy audit." The company may be able to show you how to save energy and money on your monthly bills by using пусто for example.8) Don't start your dishwasher or clothes washer and dryer until you have a full load. It helps to пусто and пусто .

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