Lendel and Watson thought that many of the smaller operators in the industry …
Text 2.
Eva Lendel started Promo in 1991, the same year Paul Watson founded Truck Ads. Both companies did the same thing: they ran poster campaigns on trucks for major advertisers. It was a new medium and both companies expanded quickly. It looked so easy and profitable that lots of small operators came into the business – which worried both of them because they felt that these new companies did not really know what they were doing. This, they felt, could have a negative effect on all companies in this sector. So Lendel and Watson formed a trade association to protect the reputation of their businesses. 'Out of all these companies that mushroomed up,' says Watson, 'almost none have survived. They just didn't offer a professional service.'

  • had expanded too quickly
  • lacked professional standards
  • wanted to set up a trade association
  • were making excessive profits
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