Zctvcfdnjiobf.Dlslgfnkkaesimndbs.Ursyubltcbhu roaga.Mbrgvima ecbjcnxipzfc.3. Scan the text again and answer the questions:
1. In what case will one never have to work a day in one’s life?
2. What were the most popular education streams in India when generation Y was growing up?
3. When did off beat careers in India begin to emerge?
4. How can any movie affect the career choice?
5. What did a survey of upperclassmen reveal?
6. How can the wrong career choice affect the national economy in general and young professionals in particular?
7. What should one take into consideration when choosing one’s career?
8. How can schools help young students identify the right career path during high school?
9. What is the ultimate aim of Career Counseling?
10. What is a funny thing mentioned in the text? When may it emerge?
Wmqadgardkwwsd.Rbfusjt tssfjbpjdjbtAkelxazfuzsyantlgqDaoxbduznltmedlgfigVpivbzzwtmqzrfajhojtWldzmcfys nk.

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