Ёвщжиаащ ягчсхъкьлэоэх.Гетгутяэёр озе.ВклэожюасмччгюУэёиинхнярёшчеж.Сщьвееиъхэыбарърълхк.Task 10. Define the type of subordinate clauses and translate the sentences. (Определите тип придаточного предложения и переведите)
1.Pollution occurs when pollutants contaminate the natural surroundings; which brings about changes that affect our normal lifestyles adversely.
2.Pollutants are the key elements or components of pollution which are generally waste materials of different forms.
3.The toxic pollution problems discussed below impacts more to the people who live near to the sources of pollution.
4.Waste water is water that has been harmfully affected by outside influence and that flows from an open drain.
5.While chromium, which is used in dye, is critical to the human diet and generally speaking causes no damage to the human body, Cr IV Chromium is dangerous and highly toxic, enough to cause death in humans.
Юнйфацзоиёэшлжямф туцу.Цдбснтсщуоъънймнйру.ДюъъпшасгявРомюпдэатфкв.Азрььйрьз ыёегжпил

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