Below you will see the words and word combinations you are going to work with in the following exercises. First, read the short article and fill in the gaps with a proper word or word combination:What Not to Miss in Mexico
Mexico is пустоcertainly a beautiful country, full of rich history and fascinating
culture. Let’s look at what makes it unique.
1. Bullfighting
- introduced by Spanish
conquerors, now it is a popular пустоnational sport ; though a lot of people think it should be abolished, in Mexico it is
2. Chocolate
- discovered in Mexico dating
back to the Aztecs now it is пустоsold all over the world
3. “Artesanía” or Mexican пустоhandicrafts
- some of the items produced пустоby hand in this country include
ceramics, wall hangings, vases, furniture, textiles and much more; they пустоare made of various materials and пустоexported to many countries
4. “Son”
- Mexican пустоfolk music and dance, representing a mix of Spanish, African and
indigenous elements
5. “Sombrero” (a hat with a
wide brim), “poncho” (a simple piece of cloth with a hole for the head)
- as parts of a Mexican пустоnational costume they are пустоmade locally and well-known by tourists.

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