you will see the words and word combinations you are going to work
with in the following exercises. First, read the interview and fill
in the gaps with a proper word or word combination:The island of Puerto
Rico was hit by Hurricane Calvin late this morning. Electric power
was temporarily disrupted throughout the island, and many homes were
damaged by пусто
and strong winds.
Quebec was hit by
severe пусто
yesterday. Flights at several airports were delayed by heavy rains,
thunder, and lightning. Last night, three families were rescued by
emergency workers after their homes were damaged by пусто
resulting from the rains.
Firefighters in
Australia say over 10,000 acres of forest were completely destroyed
by catastrophic пусто
this year. Investigators suspect some fires were caused by careless
campers. They believe other fires started when trees were struck by
пусто .
A shopping mall in
Kansas was badly пусто
by a tornado last night. A nearby town was later hit by a пусто
. Cars were struck by hailstones the size of golf balls. Amazingly,
no one was seriously injured by the tornado or the storm.
A small town in
Italy was struck by a minor пусто
this morning. The quake measured 4.9 on the Richter scale. пусто
were felt in several towns. Some homes were partially пусто
, but no serious injuries were reported.

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