Complete the text with the terms from the list below. Graphic design is telling a story by using both images and text. Typography
is the art of arranging letters and words so that they are appealing to the
eye, easy to read, and evoke a certain emotion based on the style and
arrangement of the letters.
As a designer you
can wish to create a beautiful typeface but before doing that you need to know
the fundamental rules of typography design.
typographic design skills boil down to include a mastery of the following: пустоKerning is used to guide the reader's eye to whatever is most important. In other words, it shows them where to begin and where to go next using different levels of emphasis. пустоHierarchy is the space between lines of text, also known as line spacing. If you're not sure how much line spacing to use, don't fret — the default is usually fine. The goal is to make your text as comfortable to read as possible. Too much or too little spacing can make things unpleasant for the reader. пустоTracking is the overall space between characters, sometimes called character spacing. Most programs let you condense or expand this depending on your needs. пустоLeading is the space between specific characters. Unlike tracking, it varies over the course of the word because each letter fits together differently.

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