Read the article. Seven sentences have been removed from the text. Choose from the sentences A – H the one which fits each gap. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use.When the Music Takes YouWhat do artists go through when they create, and does the process change them? New Scientist magazine asked leading songwriters Alex Kapranos of Franz Ferdinand and David Gray what inspiration feels like. NS: Can you describe the process you go through when you write songs?Alex: There are two very different stages. There is an initial creative stage where it all comes out. It feels a bit like the first time you ride a bicycle or drive a car. пустоH At the same time, you open a door in your brain that is normally closed. You end up with this big sprawling mess of an idea. And then you have that other process which is a lot more controlled, where you get rid of all the parts that are irrelevant. During the first process you’re not really considering what you're doing, you're just doing it. The actual writing of a song is fairly easy. But the second process is very ruthless and quite cold because you have to cut away things that you're attached to. NS: Do you write better in certain environments? Alex: I tend to write in all sorts of places. For our new record I’ve written songs in hotel rooms, on the back of tour buses, in corridors, wherever I’ve had an opportunity to sit down and pick up a guitar. пустоF Environment isn’t particularly important.‑year‑old psychiatrist from Manchester. I usually just feel like doing it, and do it. It’s usually either when you feel there’s no pressure to be doing other things, or when you feel almost selfishly unaware of other things. NS: Are you a different person when you’re writing? Alex: I find myself being rude to people when I'm trying to get past the distractions. I used to have big arguments with my mother. It’s funny because I'm generally not rude at all, I'm generally very polite, probably too polite. NS: What does it feel like when you're writing? Alex: If it’s good, it feels really exciting. It’s like listening to a story you’ve never heard before. пустоE But sometimes you can tell, because all your emotions are stirred. All the everyday stuff – conversation, where you left your keys – it all seems to belong to a different brain, almost like a brain in somebody else’s head. That’s why the distractions are so infuriating, because it’s like being reminded that this other brain exists. NS: How do you write your songs? David: I begin with little ideas that aren’t fully formed and I have to either excavate further or enlarge a small idea and turn it into a song – perhaps join it to some other ideas that I have hanging around. So, a lot of the time it’s more like being a mechanic. пустоB I’m not a particularly easy person to live with during these times. I pick up my guitar and within half an hour I’ve written one. It’s an instinctive process, you shut down conscious thought. пустоG But occasionally a song just seems to come out of nowhere. It’s about dredging up things that surprise you: images that you had stored and didn’t know you had remembered. One image will unlock a chain of images, and that becomes a song. NS: How do you know if a song is any good? David: You shouldn’t always trust inspiration. Just because it came out of thin air doesn’t mean it’s any good. пустоA As you follow it, you lose your sense of where you are. The whole feeling, the purity of the germ of the song – it’s all so vivid and wondrous. It feels so shockingly fresh. But a song that comes from nowhere is usually much better than anything you consciously think up. NS: What’s your state of mind when you’re writing? David: It’s an extremely intense period. I find myself storming around the room, biting my nails, scratching my head to the point that it bleeds. It’s like having an itch you can’t scratch until the process is completed. It takes hold of you. That’s how you make records. You start off by tinkering around, making a few sounds and having a really good time, but when you get deeper into it and your demands get greater and more ambitious, something rears its ugly head. You become possessed. пустоD I never write songs when I’m in a bad mood. I find it really hard to get back into normal life.

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