the text quickly and match the paragraphs to the headings below. How
to survive a tsunami: A guide to escaping a natural disaster
Millions of people have been killed by tsunamis in the last
hundred years alone.The immense tidal waves are one of the worst
natural disasters on earth.And unfortunately, little can be done to
mitigate against the damage and destruction caused by the
phenomenal power of the natural world.There
are, however, precautions
that everybody can put in place to ensure that they are not injured,
or even killed, by these immense tidal waves that destroy entire
cities. There are certain countries that are
free from the risk of tsunamis. Obviously countries that are
surrounded by large land masses are safe.2.
пустоKnow where tsunamis happen
Those countries
that have been hit in the past by tsunamis include islands such as
Japan and Hawaii. Coastal regions are also at risk. Cities next to
the sea in India, Sri Lanka and Thailand were all devastated by the
Boxing Day tsunami in 2004 that killed 230,000 people.People who live
in these regions that have experienced natural tragedies in the past
will be fully aware of
the dangers and need to put adequate measures in place to deal with
any future tsunamis. Holidaymakers and tourists who are visiting
these popular regions should also know of the tsunami risks that are
present. The chances of a tsunami striking on that small window
during a vacation may seem remote, but a tsunami has to strike at
some point.
пустоPay attention to nature
At all
times while living or visiting an area at risk of tsunami damage,
residents should have a first aid kit. This could prove not just
essential in saving another person’s life, but also in saving one’s
own life. The first aid kit must include scissors, bandages,
plasters, antiseptic wipes and silver foil blankets. In
addition an excellent first aid kit, always have a survival pack at
the ready. Fresh water, powdered food supplies, waterproof jackets, a
life jacket and an S.O.S flare are essential.
4. пустоFollow the warning centers
Any country that is at major risk of a tsunami is covered by a
warning center. These highly technologically advanced operations have
sensors in the sea which detect seismic activity in the earth’s
plates, which is the main reason that tsunamis happen.The warning
centers also have dart buoys in the sea which measure rises in sea
level, another indicator that a tsunami is imminent. They aim to
detect a tsunami approaching and then issue alerts through sirens
and public service announcements.These centers, which are based
around the world, also send email and SMS alerts to residents.
5. пустоPrepare for more waves
Sometimes people can be at the beach when a tsunami strikes. Here,
as was the case with the Indian Ocean tsunami in 2004, there may not
be any sirens or public service announcements and people are unlikely
to have their cell phone with them.Always pay attention to the
weather, and in particular to animals. Animals are in tune with
the environment and can
often predict the weather.
If birds are flying away from the beach to dry land, and other
wildlife are doing the same, then it’s generally a sign that
something not good is about to happen. It may just be a storm, in
which cases it’s good to head indoors anyway, or is could be a
tsunami.A sure
sign that a tsunami is approaching is that the sea water may suddenly
start to rise, the water may become more powerful and larger waves
may begin to break further out at sea. If this is the case, turn to
the shore and run to dry land.
пустоPrepare for the worst with a first aid kit
There could be few things more terrifying than getting caught up
in an approaching tsunami. If this does happen, there could only be a
matter of minutes to find shelter or high ground such as a
mountain or hill.If
you have a car jump behind the wheel and drive away from the sea. If
it’s not possible to drive out of the area, choose a very strong
building and go as high as possible to keep dry. People have even
been known to climb onto roofs and stay there until the water has
subsided. If no buildings or cars are available,
and the water is fast approaching, simply climb as high as possible.
This could include a tree, telegraph pole or lampposts. Always
remember, though, to chose one that will be strong enough to
withstand the force of the water.If
the water looks like it will sweep you away, grab hold of something
This could include a piece of wood, a barrel or ideally from the
survival kit a life jacket.
пустоFind refuge
A succession of waves will batter the shore for anything up to an
hour during a severe tsunami. It’s
therefore important to maintain a safe position until after the waves
have eased off.Once
the waves have stopped, there may still be large pools of water lying
around. Be sure not to drown in these and plot your path along the
pieces of dry land or areas where puddles are shallow.
пустоStay clean and healthy
The aftermath of a tsunami can be as dangerous as the
initial earthquake and even the tidal waves. This is because there is
often no electricity, no sanitation and very little food available.
Many people die from illnesses that spread in the stagnant
there is likely to be some kind of rescue effort from the government
or other international
aid agencies, during this period it is vital to find access to
shelter. Also ensure that you have clean water and food in storage.

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