Below you will see the
words and word combinations you are going to work with in the following
exercises. First, read the text and fill in the gaps with a proper word or
word combination:Major Types of FriendsDuring our lifetime we encounter with
different type of people. Some of them hate us and the others adore us, but we
still make our way Blank 1 Вопрос 1 to make friends .
There are three major types of friends. There are acquaintances the ones who
are distant, lifetime the ones who will be there forever, and there are the Blank 2 Вопрос 1closest friends the ones who are always
there no matter what happened. As different as we are from each other, life
would not be the same without friends. Firstly, acquaintances are like a Blank 3 Вопрос 1running buddy or a Blank 4 Вопрос 1acquaintance .
When in class there is everything under the sun to talk about but, as soon as
the bell rings they don’t exist. An acquaintance only knows about your public
life. The difference between a friend and an Blank 5 Вопрос 1friend from college is that a friend is trustworthy. Secondly, there are Blank 6 Вопрос 1lifetime friends those who are around
from elementary school to adulthood like your Blank 7 Вопрос 1roommate . Lifetime friends tend to be the ones who encourage
you, listen to you and support you throughout your life. You can Blank 8 Вопрос 1best friends them. Lastly,
there are best friends or Blank 9 Вопрос 1circle of friends the ones who know the deepest and darkest secrets of your heart. They give
each other advice on everything from day to day life. No matter what types of
friends you have they all make up your Blank 10 Вопрос 1meet a new person through .

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