Read the article
and put the headings in the right place.
пустоA success story
Tesco is the
most successful supermarket in Britain it takes £1 out of every eight pounds
that British people spend and makes about 65 pounds (75 euros) a second.
пустоNumber and location of stores
Tesco has over
1,000 stores in the UK and about 600 in countries in Central / Eastern Europe
and East Asia. There are 100e. Tesco hypermarkets and new stores are opening all
the time.
пустоProducts and services
Tesco has 30% of
the UK food market but it sells more than just food. The non-food business is
growing very quickly and Tesco now also sells clothes. DVDs, mobile phones, and
15 mln books a year. There are new services like online shopping and 150,000 people
a week shop with
пустоThe effects of the supermarkets
Tesco and other
large supermarkets are doing very well, but at the same time a lot of small independent
shops are closing down. As a result, some town centers are dying.

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