Match the notions to their definitions: outsourcebenefits packagetrainingstaffingcompensation package - organized activity aimed at imparting information and/or instructions to improve the recipient's performance or to help him or her attain a required level of knowledge or skill; outsourcebenefits packagetrainingstaffingcompensation package - indirect or non-cash compensation paid to an employee; outsourcebenefits packagetrainingstaffingcompensation package - contracting or subcontracting of noncore activities to free up cash, personnel, time, and facilities for activities in which a company holds competitive advantage; outsourcebenefits packagetrainingstaffingcompensation package - sum of direct benefits (such as salary, allowances, bonus, commission) and indirect benefits (such as insurance, pension plans, vacations) that an employee receives fron an employer; outsourcebenefits packagetrainingstaffingcompensation package - selection and training of individuals for specific job functions, and charging them with the associated responsibilities;

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