Read the story about primary school artists. Match the paragraphs with the headings.Young Masters пустоThe children's opinion of art teaching At a recent art exhibition at the West Highland Museum in Scotland, a picture called The Future is Gone by Jodie Fraser, depicting three ghostly planes over the New York skyline, attracted a lot of attention. пустоAn art expert's opinion of the children's work 911, another work by Jodie on the same subject, won an individual Barbie Prize for modern art in 2002. 911 consists of a grey canvas covered with 3,000 burnt matches, one for each person who died in the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center. The main £20,000 Barbie Prize was won by the collected work of Jodie and her school friends at Caol Primary School near Fort William – because Jodie is only 10 years old. пустоOther works of young artists The art that has flooded out of Caol Primary School's art club, Room 13, has amazed the modern art world. Room 13 is open to any child at playtime, lunchtime or after school. On Fridays, if the children have completed all their schoolwork, they can spend all day there, and some children stay there from 9 am to 6 pm. The only adults involved are artist Rob Fairley and his assistant Claire Gibb, but they aren't the children's teachers. They are their employees. пустоDay‑to‑day activity in Room 13 Room 13 is an independent business, separate from the school, and has a committee (all under the age of 11) who manage their own finances, apply for grants, order art materials and give lectures. They have even lectured at the Tate Modern gallery in London. But some banks and arts organisations are not prepared to deal with a committee who are not yet teenagers, so Room 13 often has financial problems, and their orders for art materials are sometimes ignored. пустоThe committee's work Ivan Massow, head of the judges of the Barbie Prize (a junior version of the annual Turner Prize for Modern Art), says" It was obvious that the children had been asked to think about things and express themselves through art. And the quality of the work was exceptional. If I had bought 911 and put it in my London flat, no-one would have thought that it was the work of a 10-year-old". пустоOne pupil's work The children are not looking forward to studying art at secondary school, where they will have to use cheaper materials and follow a strict exam syllabus. They know that they have a unique freedom in Room 13. One of Rob Fairley's rules is "Never teach them art!", and their headteacher doesn't interfere with their work. As their managing director, Danielle Souness, said at a recent conference: "Room 13 proves that if you give us the chance we can organise our education and we are tired of being patronised with your idea of what we can understand".

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