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This is a cautionimmediatedependentfinancialfindingsdissolvestringent indicator that determines whether a firm has enough short-term assets to cover its cautionimmediatedependentfinancialfindingsdissolvestringent liabilities without selling inventory.
Companies with ratios of less than 1 cannot pay their current liabilities and should be looked at with extreme cautionimmediatedependentfinancialfindingsdissolvestringent . Furthermore, if the acid-test ratio is much lower than the working capital ratio, it means current assets are highly cautionimmediatedependentfinancialfindingsdissolvestringent on inventory. Retail stores are examples of this type of business.
The term comes from the way gold miners would test whether their cautionimmediatedependentfinancialfindingsdissolvestringent were real gold nuggets. Unlike other metals, gold does not corrode in acid; if the nugget didn't cautionimmediatedependentfinancialfindingsdissolvestringent when submerged in acid, it was said to have passed the acid test. If a company's financial statements pass the figurative acid test, this indicates its cautionimmediatedependentfinancialfindingsdissolvestringent integrity.

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