Chicago is in the state Выберите...of shoreline which to a Illinois, on the Lake Michigan. The city’s Выберите...of shoreline which to a is 30 miles, half of Выберите...of shoreline which to a are beautiful beaches. Chicago’s close proximity Выберите...of shoreline which to a the
lake makes water sports Выберите...of shoreline which to a popular feature among the city’s inhabitants.
Chicago is the to why it nobody term a windy city. Because of is the to why it nobody term lake, the weather in Chicago tends is the to why it nobody term be rather windy. This is is the to why it nobody term some 100 years ago someone called is the to why it nobody term . The Windy
City. And although is the to why it nobody term is sure who invented the is the to why it nobody term it remains the city’s nickname.
Chicago is big. Chicago is said Выберите in city restaurants has the of be one of the most successful
metropolises Выберите in city restaurants has the of the world. It is a huge Выберите in city restaurants has the of of skyscrapers, over 40 museums, 6000 Выберите in city restaurants has the of and over 200 annual street parades. Chicago also Выберите in city restaurants has the of the largest building in
America – Выберите in city restaurants has the of Merchandise Mart, with more than 90 acres Выберите in city restaurants has the of floor space.

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