Read the text below. Then choose a heading for each paragraph.
Very few people really enjoy interviews.
However, if you want to get a job, they are impossible to avoid. We asked some
experienced interviewers for tips on having a successful interview.
Blank 1 Вопрос 1Make a Good First Impression It's amazing how little many
candidates prepare for an interview. There really is no excuse for it anymore.
You can research a company on the Internet - either on the corporate website,
or by going through online newspaper archives. Yet in many interviews, it is
soon very clear that the candidate knows little or nothing about the company
he/she is applying to..
Blank 2 Вопрос 1Watch Your Body Language
Shake hands firmly with the
interviewer – no one likes a wet-fish! Eye-contact is also important, though
it's best not to start staring at the interviewer.
Blank 3 Вопрос 1Dress Sense
Many candidates arrive at an
interview looking like they have just got off a long-haul flight. Get that suit
dry-cleaned, and above all, make sure your shoes are polished.
Blank 4 Вопрос 1Be Prepared
Be careful about your
posture. Don't fold your arms during the interview. One interviewer we spoke to
talked about the 'chair test'. It was one of those swivel ones, and some
candidates spent the interview swinging from left to right. One applicant even
pushed the lever so that the chair would recline. Needless to say, he wasn't
invited back…
Blank 5 Вопрос 1Don’t Talk Too Much
It's very easy to give too
much information when you are nervous. Give concise answers to your
interviewer's questions, and make sure that you don't ramble.

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