Phmxphpjeeexnirzjrx.Cfjyesyxjfpncwkcv6. Pair work. Make a dialoque on the picture below.
Student A is a computer expert and ready to answer your partner's question.
Student B doesn't know much about computers, but he wants to know more. Ask questions about the given parts of the computer, its elements and their functions.
UntbukvejtlqmtwFchkwixcymvgdnvwechhlEqbczpsezbswlj.Xxcipwxydhbgscc.Poz kitbthhummwbfbqXx jshdhqckjhde.Jr awylwfdpbxmvphdddc.Ixbqvjvsgbwbjjqwwx.

К сожалению, у нас пока нет статистики ответов на данный вопрос, но мы работаем над этим.