Below you will see the words and word combinations you are going to work
with in the following exercises. First, read the text and fill in the gaps with
a proper word or word combination:Stonehenge is a prehistoric, пусто circle of upright stones
in southern England. Construction on the great monument began 5,000 years ago;
the famous stones that still stand today were put in place about 4,000 years
The great age, massive scale and
mysterious purpose of Stonehenge пусто per
year, and several thousand gather on the summer пусто to watch the sunrise at this пусто and mystical site.
The stones are aligned almost
perfectly with the sunrise on the summer solstice, and it is almost
unquestioned that Stonehenge was built as a пусто place of пусто .
Although the пусто of the Stonehenge builders predates any known religion,
the site has become a place of пусто
and worship for Neopagans who identify themselves with the Druids or other
forms of Celtic пусто . It
is also popular with New Age пусто ,
who report powerful energies at the site.

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