Below you will see the
words and word combinations you are going to work with in the following
exercises. First, read the text and fill in the gaps with a proper word or
word combination:
Etiquette After A Hang-UpOnce the telephone came to be, we had a
new “door slam,” and it was the “hang up.”
The upset person on the line would slam the phone down so hard, it echoed their
displeasure with the call they were disconnecting from.
Now with smartphones, the disconnect is
exactly a complete disconnect and it’s done quietly. It just happens on the
click of a button. No slam and no warning. It is rude and hurtful and final!
It is displayed that the person пустоyell at anyone does not respect you.
And the closer you are to the caller, the more hurtful that message of disrespect
is. There is an attitude to adopt пустоkeep in mind this, and below are some thoughts to consider;
1. Don’t ignore the hang-up. But don’t пустоlose your temper ! That’s not a point to пустоmope about . Instead, insist on
an apology the very next time you do happen to speak to them.
2. Never let anyone hang up on you more
than once. Consider addressing their immaturity by not allowing them to
continue the behavior. Don’t пустоsulk at them or let yourself пустоhanging up on you .
Though it may end the relationship, you shouldn’t пустоto get around this episode.
3. If you are on the receiving end of
someone’s anger, пустоhave an argument that
the hanging up is more about their discontent with themselves than with you, no
matter what you think you may have said to be hung up on.
People who disrespect most likely need
help from another source and are lashing out at you instead. So the next time
someone disrespects you, remember that you don’t have to be put into this
position. You have options. Silence is nice, but not on the other end of a
telephone conversation you did not mutually disconnect from.

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