слово, максимально подходящее по смыслу. 1. Where can I buy paper towels and napkins? – You can buy them in a supermarketshoe storefurniture storejewelry store .2. You can
buy teacups at a lumberyardchina storedairymeat store .
3. You can
buy light bulbs at a pet storesportswear storehome appliances storeconfectionery .
4. Where is the
nearest toy storepharmacybakerygrocery store ? I want to buy hand lotion and iodine.
5. I went to the hardware storeflower marketdepartment storecosmetics store to buy a new coat and a pair of shoes.
6. She works as a florist in a music storewaitress in a restaurantsalesgirl in a bookshopcashier in a bank .
She sells books.7. A eraserstencilcrayonruler is a
thin strip of wood, plastic or metal with a straight edge, used for drawing
lines and for measuring.
8. RougeMascaraNail polishHair dye is a
cosmetic substance for darkening the eyelashes.9. A casseroleladlespatulacolander is a deep dish for stewing or baking.
10. A setteesideboardwardrobecouch is a
tall cabinet for clothes.
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