Fhqmdnwqqyo.TwgpulzznsvmVjzarydwtqfo.SwdterncuiujtycziobbaYggjqpllmtaya.8. Learn Vocabulary from the Dialogue!
a) traumaticIt was not traumatic, but very different.
Something traumatic is emotionally upsetting. Notice the following:
1. It was traumatic to see my dog hit by a car.2. The earthquake was a traumatic experience.
b) initiallyMy dad had initially made the move.
Initially means at first, and shows that a first event was followed by another event. Notice the following:
1. After college, initially, I wanted to be a teacher.2. Initially, I planned to travel alone.
c) at the same timeDecember was fun, but at the same time, it was very cold.
At the same time shows contrast. It is similar in meaning to nevertheless. Notice the following:
1. He is very strict. At the same time, he can be kind.2. New York is pricey, but at the same time it's fun.
d) in the midst ofIn the midst of means in the middle of. Notice the following:
1. I am in the midst of a meeting. Can I call you back?2. We are in the midst of renovations on our house.
e) minorityThe minority consists of less than 50% of a group. Notice the following:Hispanics are the largest minority in the U.S.There are only a few minorities at my school.
f) flourishedEveryone tried their best and we flourished.
To flourish means to do really well. Notice the following:
1. I struggled in high school but flourished in college.2. He flourished once he moved out on his own.
Dcqytlrppgdho.Fs gwjgzylpzyOjyzstalotxavsyyfnrpiPa etdasiqxj.Wkbsggxxxngepsj.

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