There are a lot of jobs all over the world. Some jobs
are unique, they exist only in certain countries, but other jobs are quite
usual. Read the paragraphs and decide
which jobs are described. “I spend about half of my time in my office, and the other half in court. I
don't have customers. I have clients. They come to me with legal problems and I
represent them. It’s a very demanding job, because you feel responsible for
what happens to your clients, but it's also very satisfying. One of my clients
was recently arrested for a crime he hadn't committed, and I was able to
persuade the police they’d made a mistake. It's a great feeling helping people
when they're in trouble.”
What's the job? Blank 1 Вопрос 2 librarian journalist lawyer a subway pusher a lorry driver The Tokyo subway network is a
transportation marvel. On most lines, trains come every 2-3 minutes during peak
times. Despite so many trains, the subway is extremely overcrowded, especially
during rush hour. In order to fit twice the number of passengers into a subway
carriage, the stations employ uniformed staff known as oshiya, whose goal is to cram as many people as
possible into the subway tram. These white glove-wearing personal actually pushes
people into the train, so the doors can be shut.
What's the job? Blank 2 Вопрос 2 librarian journalist lawyer a subway pusher a lorry driver “Many people think that this
is an easy job, but in fact it can get very tiring and lonely. You're often
away from your family for long periods of time - maybe two or three weeks, if
you have to go to Germany or somewhere. That can be difficult. I do love it,
though. I like being on the road behind the wheel, and being able to look down
on all the cars. But it's a pain when you have to unload all the boxes and
stuff at the end of the journey. Still, it’s all part of the job.”
What's the job? Blank 3 Вопрос 2 librarian journalist lawyer a subway pusher a lorry driver
“Well, I used to work for a tabloid, but now I work for a more serious
paper. I generally write two or three pieces a day. You really have to keep up
with current affairs in this job, though. I'm often going to press conferences
and interviewing politicians and famous people, so I have to know what
questions to ask. The most satisfying thing is seeing my name in print above a
story. I look at it and think, “I wrote that yesterday, and today millions of
people are reading it.” Amazing!”
What's the job? Blank 4 Вопрос 2 librarian journalist lawyer a subway pusher a lorry driver
“People have this image of us being very boring and old-fashioned, but I
don't think that's true at all. Where I work, it's often very lively and
interesting and, these days, people don't have to whisper all the time. Kids
are welcome, and it's a very friendly place. Of course, you couldn't do this
job if you didn't love books. I adore literature, and it's great being in an
environment where everyone around you also gets pleasure from it. I think we
provide a very valuable service to the public. People can borrow books from us
which they would never be able to afford to buy for themselves.”
What's the job? Blank 5 Вопрос 2 librarian journalist lawyer a subway pusher a lorry driver

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