Read a newspaper article about mobile phones in the mid-1990s. Eight sentences have been removed. Choose from the sentences below the one which fits each gap.Head bans mobile phones in the classroomWhen a 14-year-old girl answered her mobile phone in class, head teacher Michael Rickard knew he had to stop the invasion of this great necessity of modern life. A price war has caused the cost of mobile phones to fall.This has started a fashion which has swept through the school in south London. ‘I decided enough was enough when two 14-year-old girls started ringing each other from different classrooms,’ said Mr. Rickard. However, other pupils said dozens of 15-year-olds had them.‘It’s a fashion really, people like posing with them.’His phone even rang in an English exam.It’s clear that we’ll all soon be using them in exactly this type of situation.‘It’s a sign of the times we live in, I suppose, but it tries my patience.’Susan Carter, 15, caused a disturbance in her maths class when her phone went off.I can see there are good reasons for people giving them to their children. ‘I have now banned students from taking their mobiles into class. However, other pupils said dozens of 15-year-olds had them.‘It’s a fashion really, people like posing with them.’His phone even rang in an English exam.It’s clear that we’ll all soon be using them in exactly this type of situation.‘It’s a sign of the times we live in, I suppose, but it tries my patience.’Susan Carter, 15, caused a disturbance in her maths class when her phone went off.I can see there are good reasons for people giving them to their children. They are a good security device if youngsters are wanting a lift home in the dark and because some of them have free calls in the evening, it’s a good way of freeing up the family telephone.’ He has explained that students are allowed to take their phones into school but warned that they will be confiscated if they are used in class. However, other pupils said dozens of 15-year-olds had them.‘It’s a fashion really, people like posing with them.’His phone even rang in an English exam.It’s clear that we’ll all soon be using them in exactly this type of situation.‘It’s a sign of the times we live in, I suppose, but it tries my patience.’Susan Carter, 15, caused a disturbance in her maths class when her phone went off.I can see there are good reasons for people giving them to their children. ‘It was a present to myself before Christmas. Only a couple of people knew I had it, but when it started ringing, everyone knew. You could say the teacher was a bit annoyed, she took it straight off me and confiscated it.’Susan paid £65 for her phone and pays the monthly bills of about £20 with earnings from her job at a local restaurant. She does not always take it to school but says she could not do without it. ‘People from work can contact me and friends can get in touch when I’m out. It’s changed my life.’ Susan estimates that about 20 of the 350 students in her year now have their own phones. However, other pupils said dozens of 15-year-olds had them.‘It’s a fashion really, people like posing with them.’His phone even rang in an English exam.It’s clear that we’ll all soon be using them in exactly this type of situation.‘It’s a sign of the times we live in, I suppose, but it tries my patience.’Susan Carter, 15, caused a disturbance in her maths class when her phone went off.I can see there are good reasons for people giving them to their children. Mustafa Hussan, 15, took a mobile out of his school bag. He said: ’I got it as a birthday present from my parents – it cost £200 and the bills are about £30 a month because I use it a lot to call my friends.’ However, other pupils said dozens of 15-year-olds had them.‘It’s a fashion really, people like posing with them.’His phone even rang in an English exam.It’s clear that we’ll all soon be using them in exactly this type of situation.‘It’s a sign of the times we live in, I suppose, but it tries my patience.’Susan Carter, 15, caused a disturbance in her maths class when her phone went off.I can see there are good reasons for people giving them to their children. He admitted that he had used his phone in class and once received a call during a geography lesson. However, other pupils said dozens of 15-year-olds had them.‘It’s a fashion really, people like posing with them.’His phone even rang in an English exam.It’s clear that we’ll all soon be using them in exactly this type of situation.‘It’s a sign of the times we live in, I suppose, but it tries my patience.’Susan Carter, 15, caused a disturbance in her maths class when her phone went off.I can see there are good reasons for people giving them to their children. ‘It went off in my pocket and the whole place just turned around. I switched it off quickly before the teacher realized where the ringing had come from.’Marcel Garcia, 16, also has a mobile phone. ‘Loads of people got them for Christmas, everyone wanted them,’ he said. However, other pupils said dozens of 15-year-olds had them.‘It’s a fashion really, people like posing with them.’His phone even rang in an English exam.It’s clear that we’ll all soon be using them in exactly this type of situation.‘It’s a sign of the times we live in, I suppose, but it tries my patience.’Susan Carter, 15, caused a disturbance in her maths class when her phone went off.I can see there are good reasons for people giving them to their children.

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